Dog Walking

I have a cat. My roommate has a pitbull; one with only three legs, and who just got out of the puppy hospital for an intestinal blockage. This dog, though annoying(or “delightfully playful” in Eliza’s terms) and with horrendous farts, is the sweetest pup, and most amazing dog/pitbull EVER.

And, although he tends to drag me toward (A) the park (B) the ice cream shop or (C) the butcher shop, I still love to walk him and basque while vicariously living in his notoriety in our Williamsburg neighborhood.

Armstrong. Oh, did I mention his immensely hazardous tail? People wonder why my legs are all scratched up and bruised…(okay, I admit I’m slightly a klutz on my own).





















Forever 21 dress

Vintage belt

NYCLA wedges

41 responses to “Dog Walking

  1. ur hair is amazing babe! and the boots 🙂

    thanks for all the love on FS!

    xx Amanda

  2. I have a dog with a rather dangerous tail as well so I can relate! You look so dang good in this outfit with your hair color. Also love the Wedges. Great look!

    Have you ever checked out my online consignment store called

  3. You probably get this a lot but you have rad hair! Also adore your blog – the DIY post is so inspiring

  4. fashionmechic

    Love your hair style.

  5. That dog sounds sweet 🙂 I love that dress too, especially with the heels.

  6. Thanks for the comment! I actually have a forearm tattoo too, but on my left arm!

  7. This is precious! I love dogs so much, especially pits!

    Thanks for the sweet comment!

  8. hi! thanx for your comment! i love your hair, your style and your blog of course! kisses

  9. Liking the shades of green in the dress.

  10. that dog is so cute…
    Love your outfit, but definitely my favorite thing has to be your shoes, and your hair… loooove it!
    My Fashion Bug

  11. Love the wedges and the pitbull is adorable! 🙂 LOVE your hair too!
    Thanks for your sweet comments darling!

    Follow me if you like?

  12. Thanks for dropping by my blog. ♥

    Your friend’s doggie is such a dearie, I love pets with personality and charm. 🙂

    The Cat Hag

  13. Your dress is divine, and goodness your dog is cute!

    Lost in the Haze

  14. that green dress looks perfect on you and you have beautiful legs! great hair too! thanks for visiting my blog. kisses!

  15. love your green dress, these pics are so cute and fun!!!

    come stop by sometime xoxo

    ❤ ❤

  16. LOVE your dress, your legs loon bangin’! really like your hair colour too!

    Fashion Stereotype

  17. Love your bold print dress! You look great in it and your fierce hair color adds more edge!


  18. Thank you SO much honey for such a lovely comment!!! :*****

    LOVE the dress and you have an amazing hairstyle!!

    Kisses ❤

  19. aw i love those shoes!
    that dress is super cute, your hair is siick!


  20. Love this dress and wedges! Awesome look!


    Fashion Fractions

  21. so lovely! such a cute puppy! goes well with your outfit!


  22. You look sos beautiful! I adore your red hair 😀
    And you dress is amazing along with those shoes ^-^


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